Friday, 25 September 2009

Notes from the last group meeting

Notes of Meeting Held on Friday 21st September 2009

1. Presentation on Processing of CRB Checks Lee Walker presented to the group details of the work undertaken and revised process implemented by Middlesbrough Council HR staff in processing of CRB checks. The revised process has significantly reduced the processing time. Contact for further information – Lee Walker, Mouchel,

2, Presentation on Mobile Working Arrangements in Redcar Cath Adams, Rob Watts, Stuart Hume and Billy Kemp outlined work undertaken in a mobile working project which involves the Contact Centre and Area Management supervisers and Operatives. The project utilised mobile technology and has significantly improved the efficiency of Area Management operatives and delivered benefits to customers through a substantial reduction in waiting times. Contact for further information- Cath Adams / Rob Watts

3. Publication of Presentations The group agreed it would be useful to publish the presentations on Linked In but acknowledged there may be sensitivities and therefore Executive Management approval may be required.

4. The above may be a useful website for members to refer for research etc

5. Next Meeting To be arranged by K Fulton to be held in Stockton. The agenda will include an outline by all on approach and difficulties with NI14 to be followed by a general discussion.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The wrong forms

Interesting that the customer is partially blamed for filling in the wong forms see this link for some details.

May be we should think about making it easier of the customer

Friday, 11 September 2009

Tees Valley Improvement Group

We have recently set up a Tees Valley Improvement Group , The next meeting of the group is Friday the 18th September 2009 at 2.00 in the Redcar and Cleveland Council Chamber. Reps from Middlesbrough and Stockton will be there and Kate Fulton from Stockton is contacting Hartlepool and the Fire Brigade to determine interest . The agenda for this meeting will be presentations on -

1,Lee Walker , Middlesbrough - How they have reduced the processing time of CRB checks to 2 weeks

2. Rob Watts , Area Management - Mobile Working

3. Margaret Tait , Disabled Blue Badges

If you or anybody in your organisation would like to attend either for part or all of the session would you please let me know .

For more information please see the grups page on linked in
